
The Angel Of My Life

Táto báseň (alebo pieseň, ak chcete) je opäť staršieho dáta, t. j. asi jeden a trištvrte roka. Tentoraz však nie je o žiadnych udatných bojovníkoch, elfoch alebo trpaslíkoch, ale vyjadruje to, čo som v tých časoch brutálne prežíval, keď sa vo mne miešal smútok so sklamaním a beznádejou. Ak by to mala byť pieseň, tak si ju predstavujem ako pomalú metalovú baladu, ktorá mocne útočí na emócie. Ale dosť bolo kecov...

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Day after day goes by without
the only woman that I've ever loved
it could be a time for you and me
why I'm a stranger in your eyes?

Glorious day when I saw you first
honey hair, your eyes were truly bright
my heart is now going to burst
why don't you answer my emotions?

You could be angel of my life
the wind beneath my wings
you could be my hope in this world
why my dreams can't come true?

The eternal confusion reign in my heart
the only thing I feel is pain
I'm still holding on to the dreams thorn apart
forever our spirits can fly free!

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You could be angel of my life
the wind beneath my wings
you could be my hope in this world
why my dreams can't come true?

Your tender face set me condemned
to the eternal anguish, thorn in my soul
but my pure love can not be damned
Why I'm falling into the misery?

You could be angel of my life
the wind beneath my wings
you could be my hope in this world
why my dreams can't come true?

Why I have been so dull?
Why I have a fear to say what I feel?
You are the shade in my heart
everything that I long for

You could be angel of my life
the wind beneath my wings
you could be my hope in this world
why my dreams can't come true?

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You could be angel of my life
the wind beneath my wings
you could be my hope in this world
why my dreams can't come true?

Ladislav Bittó

Ladislav Bittó

  • Počet článkov:  15
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